18 May 2012

Nailed it!

This post is a bit late, but I had my nails done as part of the LCBT (London College of Beauty Therapy') 'Help us Nail It Again...' Guinness World Record event for the most filed and varnished nails in 8 hours.

Went along after work on the 10th May and all the students and lecturers were busy filing and polishing hundreds of volunteers and members of the public like myself.

At the end they managed to file and polish 2219 nails. I'm not sure if they broke the record, but the event was in aid of charity and they raised a lot of money for Rays of Sunshine and The Eve Appeal.

I choose a bright pink Toma polish but forgot to get the name of it : (

JB from JLS boys and Andrea Fullerton were in the building.

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