1 Jul 2012

How to De-Pot a MAC Eyeshadow

MAC Pro Colour Palettes are a great way to store and travel with your MAC Eyeshadows.

My post MAC Pro Colour Eyeshadow Palettes talks about each eye shadow palette.

However, would you also like to add your existing pot eyeshadows into palettes too?

If so, here are some easy to follow instructions.

This tip is not a new one, it is common knowledge amongst MAC fans, but I never like to that assume everyone knows everything, so I am hoping this is new to you!

First things first, you are going to need the following items:

1. Hair Straighteners (even though I now have locs, I kept mine, I knew they would come in handy!)
2. Either a Knife, or as below, a Metal Nail File will also do the trick
3. Your MAC Eyeshadow (I am using Cranberry)
4. A piece of Greaseproof Paper, big enough to cover your straightener iron.

Step 1: Take your MAC eyeshadow and gently peel the label from the bottom. 
If it doesn't remove easily, hold it for a few seconds over a boiling kettle (make sure you have gloves on, please don't burn your hands on the steam!). 
Keep the label as you will need to re-fix it onto the bottom of your pan once removed.

Step 2:  Look at your eye shadow pot. You will see a latch area where the lid meets the bottom (arrows point to it below), if you look closely you will see a rim, just above the latch.

Holding the pot firmly in one hand, use your other hand to inset the tip of the knife or metal nail file between the latch and the rim. Applying firm pressure, gently twist the knife or nail file until the pot comes apart. 
It should come out quite easily but be careful, not too much pressure or the knife will slip.

Now you should have an empty pot and the pan with the plastic still around it.
Keep your empty pan.

Step 3: Turn on your straighteners to full heat.
(Mine look a bit rusty because I do not use them in my hair!)
Turn the iron flat, as shown below and make sure it cannot move. or fall.
Place the greaseproof paper onto the heated plate and place your shadow pan on top.

You want to leave the pan on it long enough to melt the plastic underneath the pan.
The amount of time to leave it here depends on the heat of your straighteners - mine are quite hot - it takes about 5 minutes.

A good indication that the pan is ready is below. You can see that the paper has stuck to the pan quite a bit.

Step 4: If you are unsure at this stage, after 5 minutes, take the pan off the paper and turn it over. 
Be careful it will be hot - either wait for it to cool or use gloves.

If you see a indentation where the plastic has melted through to the metal pan, then its ready.

Step 5: Take your knife or nail file and gently press it into the indentation.

It should drop right out. If it doesn't then it needs more heat. Put it back on the straighteners.
And be careful it will be very hot!

Step 6: Once the pan has cooled, stick the label onto the bottom. 

And finally Step 7: Place your pan into your palette! 

Then you are done!

Remember to keep your empty pots. MAC offers a recycling program called "Back to MAC".
Collect 6 empty containers and return them to redeem a free MAC lipstick! (Conditions apply).

These instructions apply to MAC eyeshadows only, de-panning of other shadows that are not MAC may not work exactly as I have instructed as above. Although, I have de-panned a Natural Collection eye shadow, and it is very close to the MAC size and fits snuggly in the palette and I need to use a knife to remove it.

I hope this helps, comments welcome!

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