1 Jul 2012

MAC Pro Colour Eyeshadow Palettes

Are you a collector of MAC eyeshadows?
Are you running out of storage space?

Your solution is to buy MAC Pro Colour Palettes to store your eyeshadows MAC Palettes Online

They are available in 4 different palette sizes: x2 - £6.50 | x4 - £6.50 | x6 -  £11.50 | x15 - £11.50

My x2, x4 and x15 Pro Palettes

They are ultra-slim, magnetised and light weight for travelling.

My x15 palette

Each shadow can easily be lifted in and out of the palette, allowing you to customise your palettes day to day, depending on your look.

Each time you purchase a MAC eyeshadow, make sure it is a Pro Palette Eyeshadow Refil Pan which cost £10.  These simply drop straight into your palette.

Photo taken with Instagram

Do you have eyeshadows in pots which you would rather in put in your palette?
If so, click here for my easy instructions on How to De-pot a MAC Eyeshadow

1 comment:

Nayotia said...

I love the idea of just being able to refill and switch things around. It allows you to customise your palette depending on how you feel.

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